
Is Maverick Money Makers A Scam - Maverick Money Maker Review

Maverick Money Makers has certainly generated a lot of attention. But is this because of the actual product or because of the generous affiliate commissions? I have paid for the product and have been through it myself, so let's find out.Is Maverick Money Makers a Scam?To the Iphone 4s Repair Parts question you most want answered. In my opinion it is not a scam, however, that isn't to say its worth your money. There are elements of it that are questionable. Mack Michaels, the creater, contributes to my feelings of Maverick Money Makers being slightly suspect. I don't know if I believe everything he says. First of all, he has changed his name on more than one occasion in the last few years which is always something that makes you wonder. And that picture of him, isn't actually him. The tag for Maverick Money Makers is "The Original Money Making Club Since 1997". This is questionable as the domain name maverickmoneymakers.com was only registered in September 2008. Just like the owner, there's been a name change if it has been a money making club since 1997, as he says.What's Inside Of Maverick Money Makers?There are a lot of videos - 100 hours of video in fact. The major segments are: Mindset Coaching, Skillset Videos, Core Training, Quick Money Blueprints, 50 Money Secrets, Latest Updates, Affiliates Centre, Bonuses, & Support Desk.Some of the strategies just don't seem to work. A common problem is that people get banned from forums, social networking sites or have their videos taken China Wholesale down after using certain strategies. There have been some examples that I have seen with my own eyes. It isn't all negative though. As suggested by the 100 hours of video, there is heaps of content, so there should be something there that you'll find valuable. The Mindset Coaching audios are great. Creating the right mindset is critical to becoming successful, so there's value there. I liked the "Competitive Intelligence" and "Online Spying" sections as well. This is where you reverse engineer the guru's or your competitors strategies so that you can see what they're doing and use implement those strategies yourself.Would I Recommend Maverick Money Makers?In my opinion, Maverick Money Makers isn't quite worth what Mack Michaels is charging for it. If some of the strategies were overhauled and the price was reduced a bit, I could probably recommend it. But at $97 a month, I can't quite recommend it.

